Sunday, February 20, 2011

What a Weekend!

Well, this weekend has been interesting. It's been fun! We ate at LaHacienda Friday now...wonderful Mexican Food. As a matter of fact, it's actually my most favorite Mexican restaurant in the area. And of course I couldn't eat everything on my plate, so I brought half of it home and had it for lunch today. Yum! We window shopped yesterday....looking for a new computer.  We will probably get a Dell, but haven't decided which one yet.  Last night we watched The Destiny Stone on Netflix. Excellent movie! And it's based on a true story too. I highly recommend it.

Today after church Mom & Dad came over to play cards. I won all four games. That's NEVER happened before! *<:o) Then we had hamburgers, baked beans and Steakhouse Potato Salad with dessert of gingerbread with whipped cream, a scoop of ice cream and a chocolate filled Pourilene. Then we watched Frozen on Netflix about 3 skiers accidentally left on the ski lift for several days. Very scary! It makes you wonder if that sort of thing could really happen.  Anyway, it was a GOOD weekend. And tomorrow is the beginning of a new week...the last week of February. Wonderful!